Sunday, April 24, 2011


I am at Tony's eatin mashed potatoes and a chicken patty for breakfast, its a beautiful warm sunny day outside, I have two big dogs curled boyishly at my sides, &I'm listening to Here Comes The Sun by The Beetles. 
Seasonscape by alexiuss at

"Little darling, The smiles returning to the faces.  Little Darling, It seems like years since its been here."  Those words pretty clearly describe how I feel about the upcoming 4 weeks.  Not month, because I don't just mean May.  Last week of work and this weekend have been very sweet and bright.  I love the strength recieved by seeing the hard work that I have been putting in actually reach a goal.  I get to start packing tomorrow, I still need to find out whos going to watch Jack.  I feel as though my life is flowering now, and soon it will bear fresh fruit.  My aunts' birthdays were this month, the runion for the family is this coming Saturday to celebrate. I am getting the sundress I have been dreaming about ever since I laid eyes on it so that I can wear with the photoshoot with them.  It will be so nice to catch up and see how they are doing.  I offered my aunt Michi to send things with me to Venezuela.  She jumped at the idea.  Sadly she lost one of her jobs and they are going through a very difficult time, she told me I really lifted her spirits because she has been trying to get things to Venezuela for over 6 months.  I hope she takes that lifted spirit, puts her mind to positivity and solutions, and gets out of that rut. 
My mothers birthday is Sunday.  I should to be there for her birthday but the earliest ticket we could get will land me there late that night.  Although, the perfect contradictive emotion to missing my mothers birthday is, this way I get to spend time with my aunts uncles and cousins for the first time in ages before I go, knowing it will be months before I see them again. 
Now of course I am looking forward to being in Venezuela for 3 weeks.  I don't have to work for 3 weeks, I don't have any responsibility whatsoever.  I don't have any problems over there.  It will be extremely beneficial for my soul to catch up on my family over there.  Beneficial to see how big the babies have gotten, meet the new babies, get blow away by my childish cousins becoming more adult, be frightened and hurt to see how aged my grandparents are becoming, be surprised by the differences in culture, and know that my family loves and care how I have been, &allow them to catch up with me. 

I feel as though I have split lives.  &I will be returning to one of my lives, my life in Venezuela has been so far gone that it feels like a dream sometimes. 
One of my lives is in Venezuela with my grandparents aunts uncles cousins siblings and beloved parents.  Technicallly Venezuela in my mind is split in two between my moms side and my dads side, but for the sake of less confusion Venezuela is just one life. 
Another of my lives is my home town in Roy.  My girls and their boyfriends, our pets and their parents.  Driving past the schools I attended and having memories pop up at me on every corner, scenes of laughter pain and freedom with my friends growing up, the friends I still roll those streets with. 
Another life I have is with Tony and our friends out here in West Jordan.  Going to their local bar with our buddies to play pool watch sports and hang out. 
Last but not least, my life with my family here in the US.  They are very special individuals.  The only ones I go so far back with, the ones I can share and laugh with memories about my own family.  We eat Venezuelan food and speak our Maracucho slang in Spanish.  Latin music playing, and sometimes dancing taking place.  We have good times and we always just treat each other with the utmost respect, never voicing our opinions of another publicly. 

No life is any less important than the other to me.  I love all of these people very passionately.  I have a special relationship with every person in my life.  I mean I'm not going to lie, I have one or two in every spectrum that I am just closer to or more combined with, but my love is no less for anyone close to me. 

These next 4 weeks I get to touch down on each one, then buckle down and get my car get a nice place to rent and get started on school taking two big steps towards Anthropology, travel, culture, and truly making this world a better place. 

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