Saturday, May 18, 2013

Twenty One &Counting

 As of two and a half hours ago, I am officially legal in every department.  It has been a beautiful few hours so far.  Niko surprised me right at midnight, brought me a present (new shoes and a beautiful big metal dragonfly that is a project for us to redesign to my style), and of course some food.  My cousins Jesus and Antonio both called me right past midnight which was very sweet and considerate.  &A facebook friend I've never met (the only one on my friends list I don't know personally) sent me a gift card to Jamba Juice with the following message: " You put up some amazing stuff you know. Straight up and honest. So glad to know peeps like you really exist."

&It is only looking up.
No copyright infringement intended, I found it on Google and couldn't find a link to give credit to.

If the weather permits (it may be too rainy) I have an appointment to Skydive at noon!! [[UPDATE: No skydiving, there was too much rain.  Instead we went to Denys, walked Jack, then watched Star Trek]]. I couldn't be more excited, or more grateful.  My best friend of the past 10 years is taking the jump with me. I am so grateful for him, having put up with me for so long and through so many hardships.  We've had so many ups and downs, but we always seem to know that we need each other and swallow our pride. 

I'm in the midst of some more life changes, which I guess is pretty normal for me seeing as my life changes every few months.  I suppose I'm hooked on it, change.  It keeps things fresh.  It also makes me appreciate the moment knowing it is on the verge of ending.  In all reality every moment is constantly ending.  When I'm turning my back and starting a new chapter though, it makes me linger on the last paragraph mildly more sentimentally.

I leave to Venezuela on November 13th, then once I get into La Universidad del Rio Negro I'll be headed to Argentina for my studies, and I'll finally get to be with my extraordinary siblings again.  It's all happening so quickly!  We'll be reunited so soon.  I'm just so grateful.

Tonight, I'm packing up my apartment (at this exact moment I'm procrastinating on it) and organizing my papers and my hoarded memories to prepare for my move (downsize from apartment to bedroom) next week.  That in turn helps me prepare for my move internationally in just over 5 months.  I am also in the process of making a very heartfelt birthday present for a phenomenal man named Niko.  His birthday is the day after mine, so in about 21 hours hahahaha...  I am the ultimate procrastinator.

Niko's sunglasses on my submissive nonchalant champ of a dog.
I'm taking a page out of a dictionary, soaking it in green tea and baking it to make it look vintage, then taking a lighter to it to add more vintage appeal.  Once its vintage enough for my liking, I am going to modge podge it onto a canvas.  I have a vinyl motorcycle as well as his initials that I have to finish peeling out the details from.  Once I"m done with that I am going to stick it to the vintage dictionary page very careful not to rip off any of the paper.  I will then modge podge over the top of it and paint the sides of the canvas black.  I also bought him a bracelet.  A couple months ago he was showing me pictures of his family and stopped to stare at a bracelet he was wearing in a picture that he had completely forgotten about.  He seemed really excited about it because of the memories.  He bought it in Mexico when he was there a few years back.  The one I bought him looks just like it, granted there isn't any significance to it because its not from his home country but I hope he likes the style anyways.  

I have a Skype date with my mommy at 6:00pm &I am very happy about it, she has been such a miraculous guardian angel and a stunning example for me to follow her footsteps.  When my mother was made, nothing but compassion, consideration, determination, strength, and about a gallon of hilarity was added. 

A blood-red heartbeat monitor through
the middle of Jack's exactly replicated paw. :)
I am just at a loss of words for the amount of gratitude I have in me right now.  I miss a lot of people.  Some because life has taken us through a split in the river, which is okay because Facebook keeps us updated, which is nice.  Others because they weren't good for me so I had to let them go, along with my anger and disappointment.  I just wish them well, and I can't help but wonder what things would have been like had they not had so much betrayal and hurt in their own lives to have driven them hurt and betray others, including me, so drastically.

Thank goodness I have Jack.  My little brown eyed, wet nosed, hairy, four legged son.  My constant, my angel, my pride and joy.  I got his paw print tattooed on me last week and I love it.  I love my life.  I love the few individuals that currently populate it.  &&For today, I love me.  <3  Happy 21st Diana.

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