Say it
Fake it
Make the whole world believe your lies
Smile broadly
Enjoy your laugh
Hide your tears
Deny your past
Ignore your screaming thoughts at night
Pretend your safe in bed
This - today - is your new life
This is how it will remain.
-By Diana C Romay
I was unmovitaved with a hard heart and trying to accept what I was to endure. Then when I came home to the US I began to strive towards something better and it has been such a slow and painful trek. Often times I have felt like I'm standing still. As though I've been in a row boat with one broken oar and trying to get to my destination going against the wind. I've been pushed back multiple times. Two years after my lonesome and treacherous journey began I finally got on my feet with an apartment and a car. Now 3 full years after starting my journey I am finally starting school, which is what I have been working towards since the beginning.

Hoorah to milestones! I'm so excited! How long have I been freaking trying to make this happen? I was so hopeless for this semester. Then, WHABAM, IRA made a mistake and sent me a refund check thats going to cover my first STIL payment. :) Even better, I'm making my last 200$ monthly payment to StyleInc. Meaning I will be able to pay the rest of my STIL payments no problem! I'M STARTING SCHOOL! I'm doing it with MY money, without anyone's help. I made it this far, I'm so much closer.
Next step, graduating and opening a business to help me fund a library somewhere in the world.
The glow that the sun gives right around sunset helps me realize this is just a journey drop your worries, you are gonna turn out fine; But you gotta keep your head up!
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