If you are reading this it means you have access to a computer and you probably live in society (why they call it civilized is beyond me, those they call "primitive" are far more civilized). If that is a fact, then you can probably agree that
people are what mostly make up of our world, our reality. I had a friend ask me if it is worth it to keep fighting for someone because of all of the history shared together, despite the pain, anger and frustration they cause in present day. I responded to her:
"What do you want your life to consist of? People always talk about not wanting drama, and theres no room for shady people in my life... We all need to realize that the people in your life are there because we PUT them there. If there is
someone bringing you down its time to decide to cut them out. Consider the reasons they were in it to begin with. When it comes down to it, cherish the memories; if things aren't happy though, why are you going to waste any more time with them? Life goes on, fill it with joy. I have had to do it before and in all reality keeping someone negative around for years causes a lot more pain than the heart-wrenching gut-tearing months of eliminating them. And who knows, maybe after ignoring them for 3 months they'll buck the fuck up and learn to respect how valuable you are and start treating you right. Right?"
I cut a friend out of my life. I thought to myself, a friend isn't someone who has ulterior motives, he isn't someone who picks and chooses words he wants to hear out of your sentences. A friend isn't someone who doesn't take into consideration your emotions because they get in the way of his wants. &&A friend is ESPECIALLY not someone who belittles your goals and pulls you down to his level. Its time to let go...
Well you'd think so. For some reason there are a those particular people you just can't let go though. Humans as a whole can't sincerely live happily without others in our lives, and we tend to fear being alone, because of this genetic flaw... letting go is difficult. I have a friend always telling me how impossible it is that I will change the world. I'm sick of people telling me I can't change the world. Maybe I can't, but maybe I can do a little bit and eventually all of those little bits change the world for a few somebody's who can also do a little bit. I got really sick of him belittling my inspirations and motivation. I tried to cut him out. I mean, we always argue, we butt heads on everything, we dispute about what we believe in and stand for, we have a hundred reasons not to be friends. I cut him out. I stopped texting back, I quit answering phone calls, I avoided him to the best of my ability and after recieving 7 texts in a row I told him to lose my number. Shortly after that is when my other friend asked me if its worth it to keep fighting for someone. Then I thought about it. Then I soaked in it. Then I called him.

I can't cut someone out when I enjoy them, even a piece of them. &&The heart-wrenching gut-tearing months of eliminating them aren't worth losing him, or the laughter he brings into my life, or the kick into shape he gives me when I'm down in the dumps, or knowing I can count on him over anyone in the world he'd come rescue me. His presence in my life doesn't cause enough pain or suffering or anger to make losing him worth it. Ending a friendship really is something to think about... So I called him. Fkkn Frazee. I still want to punch him in the face, but I called him because I know that if he needs me I'll be there, and I know if I need him he'll be there.
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