"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad but its everything in between that makes it all worth living."
"When one door closes another one opens."
"Every beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
I'm trying to look at this as a new beginning, I can't negate my sadness though.

My ex-neighbor is moving... I'm not going to try too hard to explain that. All in all, about 7 months ago I moved in next door to the most wonderful human being I've had the opportunity to share time with, one who brought color and electricity to my life. He travels from one place to another every few months or so with his company which I knew from the start, and which is why we didn't get involved. Well, he ended up moving from next door to about a mile or two down the road, hence the ex-neighbor. We are more than friends, but we are less than lovers, so I haven't a clue as to what to refer to him as so I call him ex-neighbor. In my mind I actually refer to him as my traveler... I am going to miss him. I refuse to say any emotions out loud, or even in my own mind, and I refuse to hear them. It would be harder to hear his words resonating in my mind forever like wounded soldiers cries once we say goodbye. He makes it sound as though we'll stay in contact, I'm not too confident in that. He meets a lot of people, he goes many different places, and I don't expect to be another person on his pen pal list, either way it wouldn't be the same. I hope he remembers where I am. <3 I wrote "Traveler" in August. The only thing that has changed since I've written it is that I know he cares for me now, he's not pretending. &&Now it's over, as quickly as it began it is ending.