Wednesday, January 25, 2012

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Bessie Anderson Stanley

Sunflowers of Golden Hour - Kkart


Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.

Heres a quick slap in the mouth for you all. :)

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are yo doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.

What ARE you doing for others?  Personally?  I'm doing little to nothing, hence the quick slap in the mouth.  Why aren't I doing anything for others?  Sheer laziness.  I'm on foot, my car got totalled so I'm waiting on the settlement.  There is a bus (though I do have a vibrant hatred for the UTA because of the whole destruction of wildlife thing).  Aside from sheer laziness though, I choose not to take the bus to do volunteer hours because I let the obsticles hold me back.  So when Martin Luther King Jr. asks me "What are you doing for others" he may as well slap me in the mouth for being an asshole.

Heres the catch.  You can still do things for others without having to go too far out of your way. 

"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.  The foundation of such a method is love."  -Martin Luther King Jr.

We've all heard the phrase "love one another" and later gone out and kicked one of the other kids in the shin during recess.  Or something along the lines.  I remember my first day in fourth grade I walked into class and one of the boys said in a bummed out tone "awww, Diana's in this class!  That sucks!"  I just about cried until another boy, Ryan, stepped up and said, "Hey guys leave her alone Diana's cool!" Without those 7 words I very well may have had the worst elementary school experience ever because believe it or not they were nice to me after that.  Hence my next quote.

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy fo this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the apalling silence of the good people." -Martin Luther King Jr.

So all in all, to those of you who are good people out there...


That is precisely what you could be doing for others.

"If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive."

R.I.P Martin Luther King Jr.

I thank you for your contributions. <3
Rememberance - By PureBear

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Here I Come..

Life just takes you along, you don't really have big choice about it do you?  Like buying a ticket to a different country you choose where your headed but if you hit a fucking snowstorm and land in Kansas, its still your fault, you chose that plane! 

Well I'm not in Kansas, I'm in Sandy but still.  Ive made all of the choices to get me here, and I of course accept all of the consequences of my decisions... But life just fucking brought me here and dropped me on my ass, lifted me up gently by my hands, dusted me off.. then kept fucking going.

I have a new job, one where I have time to blog once more, so if I do have anyone out there who ever strolls by ThreeDragonfliesOnTheMoon I thank you.  I've taken another step towards my goals.  I did get in a wreck and my car has 4,000 dollars worth of damage (estimated before taking it apart to fix it), so Im on foot once more but work is close to home thank goodness.  I am a receptionist.  I dress in business pants and smile frequently while looking pretty, and I get paid to do it.  

I discovered some volunteer opportunities I plan on taking advantage of now that I have some more time and a little extra cash ;)  I'm really looking forward especially to the following three:

The Utah Rivers Council is my preference.  I read an update stating that UTA is planning on destroying many parts of the Jordan River Parkway and I about freaked out...  Here is a link to that and if any one does stroll along here please, for the sake of our community and the creatures we share our environments with, write a letter to the following asking to preserve the little nature we have left:

Gov Gary Herbert
Utah State Capitol
350 North State St, Suite 200
PO Box 142220
SLC, UT 84114

If the link over Jordan River didn't work you can go to the following web address: 

Well, all in all I'm happy to be where I am and I'm so extremely grateful for what I do have.  Im excited for 2012!  My family is well and I am greatly appreciative of that, my boyfriend and I are keeping our heads above water in our nice little home, and I'm starting school again!  Whew.  Everything will be ok, I just have to keep on keeping on, right?  I got a kindle for Christmas and I put an app for Positive Affirmations and an app for Motivational Quotes on it.  I try to keep one of each on mind for the day, every day. 

Affirmation of the day:  "I can handle all the changes that come my way"
Motivational Quote:  "If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself" -American Proverb.